Saturday, July 2, 2011

Aim more correctly using your stock shot

So how do you aim? Hmmm? Do you aim at the target? Do you aim at a starting point with the thought that the ball will fade/draw back? Have you thought about it before now?

Before learning how or what to aim at, you should develop a STOCK SHOT. This is a shot that you know will fly the same way most often. For me, a stock shot is a FADE, which mean if I aim at the target I will most likely fade the ball away from the target. My approach to aiming and my stock shot is as follows:

(1) Pick out my target (Where do I want the ball to end up).
(2) Pick out my boundary line (This is a line where the ball should never cross...right of the target for since I don't want my fade to get out of control).
(3) Pick out my starting target (If I aim and swing toward this, my stock shot should create the curve to send the ball back to the target, but not pass over the boundary line).

If this sounds confusing it's not. It just means that you may have the ability to play with the shot you already have today. It means owning and accepting your swing for what it is. It means playing with more confidence when you can eliminate one side of the course. (For me, I eliminate the left side since my ball curves back to the right).

Thanks for reading and check out my video below.
Regards, Steven

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