Why don't we get better after taking golf lessons? Perhaps it is the information from the instructor (wrong or too much)...or...perhaps it is difficult to actually understand the development process.
According to a new book, called "The Talent Code," people create a chemical in the body called myelin when repeating a motory skill over and over. Myelin strengthens the nerve endings needed to repeat the skill (like playing the piano, playing golf or learning a subject in school). The more times a golfer makes and fixes mistakes, the more myelin the golfer creates. It is amount of Myelin in the body that is the "Secret" of Talent.
So, if you are curious to why you don't improve (assuming the information is correct), try the following:
. Train in slow motion
. It is OK to make mistakes since myelin comes from fixing these mistakes
. Repetition is the key to mastery!
Good Luck
- Steven
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