Wednesday, July 22, 2009

TPI Level 2

Just back from TPI Level 2 workshop down in Malmö Sweden. Great 2 days packed full of information about motor learning, junior golf, different swing styles and teaching around limitations. The seminar was held by Lance Gill, Dr. Greg Rose, Dave Phillips and Denis McDade. Padraig Harrington's brother was also onsite to assist the guys.


Sunday, July 19, 2009


Well, we just got back from the Division Series of the Club Championships. We are in Division 1 and unfortunately we finished last in our tournament. If the series stays in the same format next year, we will be in division 2. So we are (of course) disappointed. So the next question: How do we handle this disappointment and where do we go from here?

Handling disppointment is much easier said than done.

First, it is important to realzie that when we fail, we must learn. What is the message from this tournament? We need to improve our short game, course strategy and mental strengths.

Second, we should use this as motivation. Motivation to get better is the number one reason why we should practice. Practicing and measuring our practice sessions will help us create confidence.

Last, we must never give up. Every person that has suceeded can tell many stories of failure before the success.

Until next time, handle your disappointments with class and try and learn something that will make you stronger and better next time you are in the same situation.


Friday, July 17, 2009

Day One Katrineholm

Well, Day one (a long one with 36 holes) is over.

Our team played Foursomes in the morning and Best Ball in the afternoon.
We managed to score 80-83 in foursomes and 70-72 in Best Ball. Although we played to our best abilities, our team is still lacking the confidence needed to hang with the other teams. Tomorrow we play singles and hopefully we will find the mental strength to carry us to a good result.


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Big Week

It's a big week in Golf this week.

We have a huge tournament at our club thurs-fri (ca. 250 players). It is called Odd Fellows and hopefully it won't be "ODD" golf played.

Also, Division Series for men at Katrineholm GK (Home of Robert Karlsson). The Ladies are playing in Vaxjö! Go Team!

Finally, there is a little tournament on the European Tour called THE OPEN which is being played. Will Padraig make it 3 in a row or will Tiger "sting" his way around Turnberry? We'll see...and it should be exciting!


Thursday, July 9, 2009

Do not swing the club on the target line.

I have had so many lessons with players who are trying to swing the golf club on a straight line back and through. Watch this video and understand the concept of swinging the club on a tilted circle. Good Luck